Imagine If…
You knew exactly how to write, publish and share your story, mission and message with the world.
You knew how to find, and inspire the clients, readers and communities you are here to serve.

You knew where to find the stages, podcasts and virtual events filled with your ideal client and reader and how to have them wanting you as their next speaker.
You were empowered to create financial abundance doing exactly what you came on this planet to do.
You knew now is (finally) the time for you to be the Thought Leader you came here to be.
There is a way to do this. It doesn’t have to be hard or take a hundred years or cost a million dollars.
I can’t believe I spoke at TEDx, got a publisher and became a Bestseller and #1 New Release! You believed in me and guided me every step of the way!

I’m Sara Connell. After a book saved my life 17 years ago, I committed to making a contribution as an author and devoting my life to helping women and men with a story to share, change- even save lives- by becoming bestselling authors and speakers. That vow has created a magical life- took me to Oprah and The New York Times and Forbes and to have the gift of coaching thousands of amazing individuals who are now changing the lives of millions through their stories and talks. What I know now is that if you have the calling to write, to speak, to share your mission, not only are you capable and worthy, but someone right now needs your message- the one only you can share.
Check out my TEDx talk where I share the story.

I dreamed of being an author for years but in four months with you, I wrote a slot online and published my book – and hit #1 release and besteller- during the pandemic!

In this free mindset training, I’ll coach you through my 3 favorite strategies to 100x your Success and Confidence. Let's do this! Drop your name and email below.