Laura Holtz is a novelist, playwright and lyricist. She earned her bachelor’s degree from Northwestern University back when applications were submitted in hard copy and Allison Hall was still a single-sex dorm. While studying English Lit at the University of London her junior year, Laura developed an appreciation for Charles Dickens and clotted cream. After graduation, she took a mid-career break from her job in sales promotion to accept a graduate teaching fellowship and earn a master’s degree in Special Education. When the head of the creative department at her former agency went on maternity leave, however, Laura could not refuse the offer to step into her dream job. She remained in the corporate world until she had children.
In a romantic and sometimes humorous story, Warm Transfer drops us into an affluent world of scandals and secrets. Tamsen’s husband Victor owns a successful advertising agency, and his income supports the Peel’s lavish lifestyle in the uppermost echelon of Chicago society. Inside the clutch of Victor’s controlling ways, however, Tamsen has misplaced her sense of identity.